Finally I have the time to do some blogging. Went to the Mekong Delta, a place at the end of the Mekong river with lots of rice fields, islands and very dirty river water. Saw many nice stuff and the best part was to stay with a local family of farmers in the night. There was quite a big group of 8 of us there from all over the world. USA, Canada, Israel, Norway, Germany, Japan and of course, me, the Singapore representative. Had a lot of fun chatting, drinking and cracking jokes. Slept at one of the hardest bed ever, a cloth over bricks. That's how hard life can be as a farmer I guess. The farmers woke us up in the morning and brought us to the rice padi to watch the sun rise, pretty spectacular.

Now I am at this place called Muinee in Vietnam. It is a beautiful beach that stretches out about 2 kilometres in length and lots of people in the sea doing kite surfing. Crazy stuff with people moving through the water at very fast speed using the wind as a guide. Will be trying that out the day after next. Cos tomorrow is sand dune visiting day. They have a very unique structure out here at the beach at Muinee called the sand dunes. It is created by the winds blowing the sad to the land for hundreds of years and it forms Canyon like structure.
hiie! so long snc we met sia...our common test coming le...gotta work hard! u oso! lolz.
muz tak care ozo,tiz few dayz alot pp sick...astrid ozo one of them...so muz really tak lotz of care for urself hor!
erm...anyway,i'm huiting horz...lolz
Hi! Mr Tan! Take good care..and enjoy yourselves! =)
Hey Mr Tan! See that you're enjoying yourself over there yay? =) Take care! Oh wait! Did you wear the socks we bought for you? =)
mr tan mr tan mr tan!!! u got receive my e mail not? and i am getting results this friday! yipee! i can;t wait lor! and also hor, can take pic of the beach? haha
in case u donno who. i am ur BEST MATHS REP. HAHAHHA.
shee yin
Hi bro!!! Glad that you r enjoying urself... Smile.... Take care
don't miss me too much okay? now in sydney and going to china AGAIN end of the month. travelling like u but shitloads of work to do, still, i have to say very exciting and most important of all don't have to wake up to go to work during those forsaken hours when we were teaching. miss sitting next to you (sound gay?).
in case u got more than one friend called fabian, this is the FATMAN!!!
mr tan! wenyi here! take care of urself k? really miss ur "magic finger"! got use it on the people in the countries? Wenmin n I miss you ley! come back tell us! =)
how come no one misses me? maybe i should create a blog then maybe someone will miss me? i know kevin definitely miss me.
kev, i left some msges on your offline yahoo messenger.
Take good care of yourself bro. will leave you my china and sydney mobile number on yahoo msnger.
Mr Lim! Dont worry! we missed you too! haha. Really arhs. =) When you come back also must tell us! =D
Happy New Year!!!
hi...mr tan!!!finally common test over le worz...mi is wt frm last yr de 2h lahz...drink more water lahz...
the last thing u want 2 do is 2 fall sick during a trip lohz...
smile alwayz...
It high time you find a little time to start updating us on your trip around the world TAN. =)))))
hey mr tan!
so nice to see u back in sch to see us tt day...
continue to spread ur 'love' ard kkaes!!!
wish to hear more of ur stories when u come backk!!!
Mr Tan! u say got a lot of photos to upload. upload ley! haha. I want to see how the other parts of the world look like. =)
Teilweise ziemlich verwirrend!
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