Finally, the first leg of my journey has just began. The start of the trip when from Singapore to Hadyai to Bangkok to Arunyaprathet (Border of Thailand) to Poipet (Border of Cambodia) to Siem Reap. Took 2 days and 2 nights of travelling. With the bus getting smaller and smaller and the rides bumpier and bumpier.
The question of why am I torturing myself travelling alone in such outback countries still pops into my mind now and then. Especially when the stink of body (haven't bathe for 2 days...) and the loneliness that creeps in when I miss my girlfriend, family and friends. I guess its all for the spirit of adventure, freedom and new experiences in life. Not to be bounded by the comforts of the ever safe Singapore.
Anyway, for those of you wishing to travel by the bus route, here is how it goes. Get a bus from Golden Mile Singapore to Hadyai. From Hadyai, get a bus to Bangkok. You will end up in the Southern station. Take
a cab that brings you to the Mochim (Northern Bus Station) and from there take a bus at counter 30 to Arunyaprathet. Upon arriving, take a tuktuk (ask for the price first. I forgot to and this one chopped me of 150Bhat) to the border and walk across. Get your passport chopped. After that, you get to see the 7 beautiful casinos at Poipot, the border of Cambodia, amidst the street urchins and the trolley pushes that are willing to push your trolleys all the way for a measly 10Bhat. Hitch on a bus that takes you to the tourist station. You can get a cab for USD 60 (can share with 3 other person) or a bus for USD 10. I took the bus...Ouch... I think I left my spine somewhere on the horrendous road. The journey is like five hours of Thai massage by a wrestler. Viola, Siem Reap.
Finally, here I am in one piece at Siem Reap. I got to know 3 other person in the bus trip from Poipot and we are now bunking in the dormitory together.
The question of why am I torturing myself travelling alone in such outback countries still pops into my mind now and then. Especially when the stink of body (haven't bathe for 2 days...) and the loneliness that creeps in when I miss my girlfriend, family and friends. I guess its all for the spirit of adventure, freedom and new experiences in life. Not to be bounded by the comforts of the ever safe Singapore.
Anyway, for those of you wishing to travel by the bus route, here is how it goes. Get a bus from Golden Mile Singapore to Hadyai. From Hadyai, get a bus to Bangkok. You will end up in the Southern station. Take
Finally, here I am in one piece at Siem Reap. I got to know 3 other person in the bus trip from Poipot and we are now bunking in the dormitory together.
Cost USD 1 a night for the dorm!
One America Chinese girl, one Norwegian and one Dutch. The American Chinese has been backpacking alone for about one year plus now. Amazing right! How some people can survive way out of their comfort zone. Anyway, I am resting my tired old bones for a day before venturing into Angkor Wat and posting some nice pics!
1 comment:
I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills
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